They are selling books and coffee all at once so go! I slipped in there during my class break. no crumpets but the coffee was delicious. sort of which I brought my computer for the WIFI. watch out star-bucks! they even had a stay chair for climbing up and reach for books you can't get. it was sort of old styled with a bit of modernity all packed in one.
Thursday, April 15, 2010
A computer book shop!
They are selling books and coffee all at once so go! I slipped in there during my class break. no crumpets but the coffee was delicious. sort of which I brought my computer for the WIFI. watch out star-bucks! they even had a stay chair for climbing up and reach for books you can't get. it was sort of old styled with a bit of modernity all packed in one.
Beach day!
so Mega con was fun

during my I attended a convention of wonder and magic and costumes! Quite fun. I went as a representative of the illustration department at ringling. 10 of were picked and it was a blast for 3 days straight. I even sold 120 dollars in prints of my work so plus plus! Some of the monster ballers of the comic world were there, and I got to see there original works
Smugglers cove
oh man I have been trying to avoid this place, but I finally went there since it was sooo close to me. I went with my roommate, and I got to say I hate golf! or any similar sport that evokes the memories of gulf! haha it wasn't terrible. since the weather has been warming up I decided to take a stroll down there last weekend. I might go back?
Parker's books
I keep finding antique shops. for some reason thats what I am drawn to. this one particularly because it reminded me of that movie the page master when I was a kid =). they have a nice set u there. Though I am not much of a reader I did enjoy the old figure drawing books by Bridgemen There weren't a whole lot of labeled sections which made this difficult, however they were big collectors of Shakespeare! I noticed there weren't any newly owned books so I am guessing all of the books were used?
Toy Lab!
This was not my idea at all! do not judge me. So on our way back from taco bell, me and the group of friends decided to peek into a toy store to muster up some noncontroversial trouble. The woman at the register thought we were pretty funny looking through all the toys, mostly teddy bears. They felt like toys that were not gonna be played with anytime soon haha, just because of video games and all, but who knows.
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Do not swim.

So I biked again, this time without my red beanie. I past Litto Beach and continued until I came to the end of that strip. I discovered a park, AND ANOTHER BEACH! However at the particular beach you can't jump in the water. The current is apparently too strong to swim and will carry you away. This is also a place where sea turtles come to lay their eggs, so you have to watch your step, or you'll go to jail. =) This particular beach also has a park and a trail that I found by strolling around. there were a couple small bridges along the trail which brought me to the end of that particular area. next time I'll bring a date.
Imitating Sculptures!

One of the most windy days in Florida. Good thing this is called the Traveling Beanie =). I never stopped by the boat docking area near public on Tamiami trail. There I found those sculptures everyone has seen but me apparently. I rode my friends by bike up there and I have to say it was worth it. I think. I tried being part of the art with out touching the work. Mainly focused on making the gestures of each sculpture. some are pretty funny. The funniest ones will not be posted ;). haha!
I guess I like Galleries

So I went back to the Ringling Museum. But this time it was for the Special Norman Rockwell Exhibit! Hellz yeah! I'm a big fan of his work. A guy who couldn't decide if he was an illustrator or an artist. Any-who, I went. His paintings were awesome my friends, the prints were not as good, but the originals, mind blowing! I went there to get pictures but the employers were like "no". I just took a picture of the sign which is kind of lame.... Next to each Rockwell painting was beautiful photography from artist who were inspired by his work, which made sense with each piece, which was pretty cool. All inspired photography was in black and white, which is my favorite kind of photography!
The Carpet!

This time around I visited a carpet store, with rugs from around the world, though i can't remember the name of the store at this particular moment. Anyways I saw it once visiting the glass art work store, and decided go down that strip again and drop by. Rugs from cool places. And they looked so authentic. Who doesn't like authentic looking things that ARE actually authentic, right? As I talked to the nice lady that own the place I couldn't help but touch the rugs around the room hanging from the walls and ceiling. The rugs make your hand print in a few of them. The women that own the store advised me to do so haha. SoOOo many different types and styles, sizes, and patterns. One that stuck with me was the big one in the pictures above. The woman conveyed to me that this particular rug was made in turkey and was once in new york where the Dalai lama once preyed on. And I got to touch it!

Next stop!

So I traveled down town and it was NOT to the movies, unfortunately. However I did find something that caught my eye, Hodgell Gallery! If you like cool, colorful glass art work then this is for you. Saw some interesting things there. Mainly abstract work. The guy who worked there at the time revealed to me that the gallery will be showing work at Ringling college of art and design at some time during this semester so that will be sweet.
First stop!

Thursday, January 21, 2010
First Post!
Hello, all who will see this entry! I have dedicated my time in making another blog! However, there will not be so much of my art work on this blog, particularly. I have been a citizen of Sarasota for almost 3 years now, yet I have not seen its nooks and crannies. Lack of transportation I suppose. I traveled to Litto Bridge the other day by foot; a jog rather than a walk. I reached the docks and found myself wanting to fish. I will have to save the money.
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